“Agriculture is about alive or dead…”
“I ask you : while Indonesian people in the near future will suffer from misfortune, disaster, if the problem of people’s food will not be solved immediately, whereas the problem of people’s Availability stocks is about alive or dead, how do with your groups? Why did only 120 and 7 students register at the faculty of agriculture and faculty of veterinary medicine, respectively? No, my young people, study in agriculture and veterinary sciences is not less important than other studies, is not less satisfied for the high aspiration-souls than other studies. Bear in mind, once more bear in mind, if we do not “bear in mind” the problem of people food as highty as is possible, radically and revolutionarily, we will suffer from great disaster.”
(Pidato Presiden RI Soekarno pada peresmian Kampus IPB Baranangsiang, 1952)
Coba ke sejarah berdirinya IPB disitu dijelaskan semua kenapa IPB dibangun…..Semoga kutipan ini bisa berguna buat semua yg masih perihatin kepada pertanian di Indonesia.
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